The Best Music Labels in Brooklyn, NY: An Expert's Guide

Are you looking for the best record labels in New York? Look no further! Our expert guide to the top music labels in Brooklyn includes Republic Records, Exploding in Sound Records, Captured Tracks, Sacred Bones and more.

The Best Music Labels in Brooklyn, NY: An Expert's Guide

Are you looking for the best record labels in New York? Look no further! Our expert guide to the top music labels in Brooklyn, NY includes Republic Records, Exploding in Sound Records, Captured Tracks, Sacred Bones, Matador Records, Fool's Gold Records, DFA Records, Atlantic Record Group, Ba Da Bing Records, Cult Records and Dala Records. Matador Records is an independent label based in New York City that has been a leader in the industry for many years. Founded by Mo' Wax co-founder Tim Goldsworthy, musician James Murphy and manager Jonathan Galkin, DFA Records has been a major player since 2001. Ba Da Bing Records is a record label based in Brooklyn that was established by Ben Goldberg. Cult Records is an independent label founded by Julian Casablancas of The Strokes.

Dala Records is a small label that you can contact directly; they specialize in soul, jazz and other music with a history in New York.

Warner Music Group

is the youngest of the three major record labels but claims to have the smallest market share. The company traded shares on the stock exchange to differentiate itself from its competitors.

Universal Music Group

is the largest of the three major record labels and has the largest list of artists on its many subsidiary labels. More than 8,000 people work for the company and it has offices in dozens of countries.

A portion of Universal Music Group is owned by Vivendi and Tencent. As your music career progresses, you'll need to collaborate with different people from the music industry in various roles. You'll need to know how to write a song, play the guitar, produce music like a professional, sing better without a lesson, market your music and quickly create a music website. See the best guitar lessons online and consider becoming an independent musician to direct your musical career however you want.

Bernard Reinecke
Bernard Reinecke

Typical bacon advocate. Amateur pop culture fan. Freelance tv lover. Total introvert. Unapologetic music evangelist. Hardcore twitter fan.